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The PlayStation 3 is Sony's most interesting home console ever, but what's most interesting of all is trying to nail down the very best games on a console with hundreds of incredible games. Let's give it a shot. 50. Mirror's Edge Games like Mirror's ...
Whether due to publisher deals gone sour, licenses expiring, feuds between developer and publisher and other reasons entirely, there's a wide range of games that you just can't buy digitally anymore, and I'm gonna talk about the biggest missing ...
The Game Boy Advance is one of the most beloved handhelds ever, and you guys certainly seemed to belove our last video on the handheld's hidden gems. So we're here to highlight some more hidden gems that you little saucepots recommended, but also mix ...
Perfection is boring. You can scrub and scrub away at imperfections until you scrub too much, and you lose something. You're telling me this scene in Fellowship doesn't move you in some way? There are also plenty of games with flaws, but none that .. ...
The PlayStation 3 is one of the most interesting and unique consoles ever. Released at the dawn of the new digital gaming age while also boasting CELL architecture that's made porting its games extremely difficult, it shouldn't be a surprise that ...
Superhero games have been around for a long time before the PS2, but it felt like Sony's second console was when developers really started to play around with the powers and abilities of the characters we've seen in movies, TV shows and comic books. ...
Plenty of licensed games are bad, but the worst sin any game can commit is to be boring. While the licensed games I'm about to talk about pretty much all have their flaws, some more glaring than others, I don't think they're games you'll be ...
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