Please join EFF for the next segment of EFFecting Change, our livestream series covering digital privacy and free speech. Join our panel featuring EFF Civil Liberties Director David Greene, EFF Director for International Freedom of Expression Jillian ...
In January, Meta made targeted changes to its hateful conduct policy that would allow dehumanizing statements to be made about certain vulnerable groups. More specifically, Meta's hateful conduct policy now contains the following text:People ...
EFF is deeply saddened to learn of the passing of Mark Klein, a bona fide hero who risked civil liability and criminal prosecution to help expose a massive spying program that violated the rights of millions of Americans.Mark didn't set out to change ...
As a legal organization that has fought in court to defend the rights of technology users for almost 35 years, including numerous legal challenges to federal government overreach, Electronic Frontier Foundation unequivocally supports Perkins Coie's . ...
The Anchorage Police Department (APD) has concluded its three-month trial of Axon's Draft One, an AI system that uses audio from body-worn cameras to write narrative police reports for officers--and has decided not to retain the technology. Axon ...
In a bold push for medical privacy, Hawaii's House of Representatives has introduced HCR 144/HR 138, a resolution calling for the Hawaii Attorney General to investigate whether crisis pregnancy centers (CPCs) are violating patient privacy laws. Often ...
A look back at the games governments played to avoid transparencyIn the year 2015, we witnessed the launch of OpenAI, a debate over the color of a dress going viral, and a Supreme Court decision that same-sex couples have the right to get married. It ...
Good old-fashioned grassroots advocacy is one of the best tools we have right now for making a positive change for our civil liberties online. When we unite toward a shared goal, anything is possible, and the right to repair movement is a prime ...
At its core, STOP CSAM endangers encrypted messages - jeopardizing the privacy, security, and free speech of every American and fundamentally altering our online communications. In the digital world, end-to-end encryption is our best chance to ...
Last month saw digital rights organizations and social justice groups head to Taiwan for this year's RightsCon conference on human rights in the digital age. During the conference, one prominent message was spoken loud and clear: Alaa Abd El-Fattah . ...
I'm old enough to remember when age verification bills were pitched as a way to 'save the kids from porn' and shield them from other vague dangers lurking in the digital world (like"the transgender"). We have long cautioned about the dangers of these ...