Usually, when working with things that require configuration, such as databases, caches, and mailers, you have to define them in their respective configuration files beforehand.
Modern web development involves modern problems that require modern solutions. One such problem is that we often need to run multiple commands to get our development environment up and running.
Imagine watching a tutorial on a streaming platform or a video on YouTube and needing to navigate other sections of the page without losing track of what you are watching. Among all the many ways to accomplish this, putting the video in a floating .. ...
JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) has many uses for developers. We have covered several applications of it on this site, such as deep copying objects using JSON.stringify and JSON.parse.
I was watching this video by Nuno Maduro the other day where he was explaining how they are using Composer Scripts to simplify the process of running multiple commands in their flagship product, Laravel Cloud.
When it comes to API clients to make requests to your APIs, most developers end up using Postman. It's a great tool that has been around for a long time and covers everything you expect from an API client.
It's always a good idea to follow best practices when it comes to software development. One of the best practices is to restrict the running of destructive commands on your servers, intentionally or unintentionally.
Sometimes, it would be interesting to see what you can build using your favorite framework. This is especially useful when you're in the phase of selecting a framework for your next project.
If you're coming from the JavaScript world or even if you've worked with modern JavaScript briefly, you might know the importance of npm and its package ecosystem.
Believe it or not, console logging things is still the most used debugging technique by developers. No matter how many advanced tools are available for debugging, logging in to the console still has a sweet spot among developers.