In efforts to reduce repeat offenses in Spain thirty years ago, researchers developed a formula that assigned a risk score to individuals. The score was used to decide if prisons should grant a pri ...
For Axios, Marc Caputo reports: Secretary of State Marco Rubio is launching an AI-fueled "Catch and Revoke" effort to cancel the visas of foreign nationals who appear to support Hamas o ...
Amanda Shendruk and Catherine Rampell, for Washington Post Opinion, highlight the current strategies of removing data from public view so there's no baseline to compare against. Curating real ...
According to data from ActivTrak, people are shortening their work days with higher productivity. For Bloomberg, Nibras Suliman reports on the 36 fewer minutes at the end of 2024 when compared to 2 ...
This might come as a surprise to some, but since congestion pricing in Manhattan began, the number of complaints about honking declined. For The City, Jose Martinez and Mia Hollie looked at the 311 ...
In almost every dataset about life and people that stretches back past March 2020, you can find the blip when Covid changed how we live. Aatish Bhatia and Irineo Cabreros, for NYT's the Upsho ...
From Pew Research, this political typology quiz is from four years ago but is as relevant as it was then. Answer a handful of questions and see where you fall in the spectrum of nine groups. As the ...
Alvin Chang, for the Pudding, highlights education research on the awkwardness of middle school (or junior high as they used to call it (or intermediate where I'm from)). What they found acro ...
Last week, Disney laid off FiveThirtyEight employees and announced the site would cease operations. However, I did not realize that the end for the site and archives was also coming quickly. Links ...
For Our World in Data, Saloni Dattani and Lucas Rodés-Guirao analyzed the various factors that led to the baby boom, typically marked by the period following World War II. As usual, it's not ...